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You're viewing Load Runner 2 Cheat Codes

Game Name : Load Runner 2
System : PC - Windows
Date Added : 2005-06-18 18:15:47
Views : 24310

Press [Esc] during game play to display the
options menu, then type glazed donut to enable
cheat mode.
Then, enter one of the following codes to activate
the corresponding cheat function.
A sound will confirm correct code entry.

F3 - Go back one level
F4 - Advance one level
Alt F12 - Gain five lives
Alt 8 - Ten bombs of each type
Alt K - "Beach Ball" power up
Alt I - "Inviso" power up
Alt T - "Morph" power up
Alt B - "Cloak" power up
LodeRunner 2 - Demo -
A few extra "cheat" keys: [Alt + ]
can be used to skip to the next level. [Alt + Arrows]
can be used to scroll around the level.

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Or simply Click here to find more Load Runner 2 cheat codes.

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Load Runner 2 Cheat Codes at Jumbo Cheats
Load Runner 2 Cheat Codes at Cheat Patch
Load Runner 2 Cheats at A Cheat Codes
Load Runner 2 Cheat Codes at Game Score

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